Tuesday 3 February 2015

Vampires, Balls & Body Paint

Well after another disturbed night, neck pain, coughing etc We woke up to snow!!

Finally a slight sprinkling, the girls quickly got ready and we went out, sadly it was mainly slush and black ice, not enough for a snowman but enough to pelt me with snowballs and small to get sore hands and ruddy cheeks.

After working hard all week-end and yesterday, we thought we should have a relaxing day today, So we checked out our local charity shops and got some more interesting bits to add to the collection.

Small got a whiteboard and started practicing her words.

She got a princess pencil case with heart attached.

The small one loves Lavender (she gets that from me) and we thought we had got a soap but it turned out to be a candle. A little Moshi book for her to draw in.

An another dolly for her collection.

Tall got some funky body paint.

A skelleybone purse.

A few more books, I need shelving!!!

OK this was an impulse buy, it was dirt cheap but it's a 3D picture, could probably sell it on Ebay if one of the kids (older kids) doesn't want it.

A set of balls to add to no1 son's collection. Very pretty and make a lovely sound.

We stopped for food and now the girls are all playing nicely and learning as they do.

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