Sunday 15 February 2015

Awesome Art, Minecraft & Muddy Puddles.

Well it's been a while since I posted, had yet another chest infection, so although I was incapacitated, we still managed to learn.
Lots of English, Maths, Science and Art.

Small one drew a mermaid using  Studyladder

Tall used Scratch with a Minecraft Theme

We learned about chemical reactions.

Which reminded me of those dodgy indoor fireworks we had as a kid that looked like a giant poo. Have to love YouTube I was able to show the girls.

Tall read....

Read some more......

Our potato's turned up but we can't plant them in the box until March, not long now! Lilly tried to claim the box. 

We studied the weather

Made lots more videos and uploaded them to YouTube, Tall made music:

We learned how to use a different, non lagging program called Fraps. Thanks to a viewer and are very impressed. Will have to purchase the full programme.


I decided to add some throwback pictures, I'm sure the girls will be so pleased :D

A Moshi monster

After a week on intense pain and antibiotics I finally came out the other side and started to feel better.
We headed off to the club and the girls had great fun.

Making body parts...

Getting creative.

Small made Elsa.

Lots of outdoor fun.

Splashing in muddy puddles.

We loved these glittery liquid plastic things. No idea what they are called. Sensory objects?

We made our own games and had lots of fun trying to beat each other.
Snakes and Ladders:


We popped into the local charity shops for supplies.
A reading book for Tall.



This will show you how old these books are:

Cigarette holder, I think we will give that one a huge miss. 
The books are normally 3 for £1 but some bright spark decided to try and charge £1.50 each, I think not.

Tall liked some Artwork:

Which is now in pride of place in her room.

We popped in for some hot coco..

Classic video for all you MC fans out there ;) RIP Sir Woof gone but not forgotten.

We decided to do some Art yesterday:

We had a lovely Valentines day 

From the small one, her reading and writing is coming on so well. Very proud of both the girls.

Played word association games and the winner (s) got a chocolate rose and special cup, girls are getting too good at these games.

Thanks Kat for looking after the girls and the lovely present.

Irresistible force paradox: Immovable Object vs Unstoppable Force

Which will win?

Well that's me caught up, I'm enjoying a relaxing Sunday while the girls are coding.
Final week of FSC and I have a few weeks off until the next course, Mathematical Symbolism.

Also if anyone is interested the OU is running some free courses:

I think a refresher in Maths and English might be a good idea.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Vampires, Balls & Body Paint

Well after another disturbed night, neck pain, coughing etc We woke up to snow!!

Finally a slight sprinkling, the girls quickly got ready and we went out, sadly it was mainly slush and black ice, not enough for a snowman but enough to pelt me with snowballs and small to get sore hands and ruddy cheeks.

After working hard all week-end and yesterday, we thought we should have a relaxing day today, So we checked out our local charity shops and got some more interesting bits to add to the collection.

Small got a whiteboard and started practicing her words.

She got a princess pencil case with heart attached.

The small one loves Lavender (she gets that from me) and we thought we had got a soap but it turned out to be a candle. A little Moshi book for her to draw in.

An another dolly for her collection.

Tall got some funky body paint.

A skelleybone purse.

A few more books, I need shelving!!!

OK this was an impulse buy, it was dirt cheap but it's a 3D picture, could probably sell it on Ebay if one of the kids (older kids) doesn't want it.

A set of balls to add to no1 son's collection. Very pretty and make a lovely sound.

We stopped for food and now the girls are all playing nicely and learning as they do.