Thursday 29 January 2015

Snow on the horizon?

It's been quite a month, Have been in a lot of pain, small stuff had chicken pox and Nannie B had a stroke, so haven't really had time to keep up the blog.

But I'm back (Sis will hate that, starting a sentence with 'but') I can't resist, it will trigger her CDO... Love you sis Xxxx

Ok, thank goodness I have taken some pictures because my memory is dreadful.

I'm still doing the FSC course, week 3 was a nightmare, I understand DNA but the technical terms are a nightmare and I have been so ill nothing stuck so bombed the test.
This is week 4 and I haven't even started yet.

The girls however continue to learn at an incredible pace.

Music & PJ day

Teach your monster to read and a trial of Reading Eggs for the small one, she loves both and is doing really well.

Studyladder, Amy Lee theme continues...

Some new resources...

Tall is now going to Scouts and she loves it, 

 We had a Freestyle Art day!

Which then turned into a hairstyle day...

Finally got to meet Nikki, 
Had an amazing afternoon yesterday, shame I have a root filling to be finished tomorrow or we would be going again. Maybe if we get out quickly we might make it.
It also depends on the weather, it looks like a snow sky and I'm sure the temperature has dropped. 

Tall created a windmill using a motor and a circuit which has inspired us to try more electrical experiments, watch this space...

Still trying to work out where my other pictures have gone on this new laptop, it's a bit more fiddly then the ancient one (desktop) but I can't upload photos to that so I have to use this. I'm sure I will get the hang of it in the end.......

Another couple of things we picked up on our travels.

One for the collection, (I really hope that's a fake butterfly),

A new game...

Which we all enjoyed playing, it's like snap but you need 3 of the same instead of 2....

Small won ;)

Learning about our home.

Today we had a fun day, the girls decided to play some Minecraft, 
We watched Adam Clarke on Newsround talking about Tate Worlds: Art re-imaged for Minecraft

So the girls were inspired, they started off making flags then progressed to changing texture packs with the help of their friend over Skype who is at Minecraft school online.

I will be signing someone up very shortly.

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